Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 2 - On the way to Coulee Dam

After climbing out from Wenatchee the winds, for the most part, were our friends. Dave and I disagree about what this means. I suggest that tailwinds are a debt that will be repaid later with interest. He suggests that tailwinds are a gift for us to enjoy with no obligation. We'll see...


Dave's not a big fan of descents (in fact, he was white knuckling it at 28.5 mph and isn't ashamed to admit it...), but Scott enjoys them and was delighted to hit 50.7 mph on one long stretch. That brought the average speed up a little! Scott ended the day with a 17.5 mph average.


The road surfaces were good and there was much less traffic on this section of Hwy 2. We rode with a variety of people today and everyone was in good spirits. No crashes, which was good after a couple of incidents yesterday. Rick, who crashed yesterday, was riding well despite some road rash. On a side note, which might not mean anything to a lot of people. I discovered that Rick lived in Newfoundland years ago when he and his wife were recruited by the newly opened Memorial University Hospital to come up and finish their medical degrees there. He was well acquainted with the Rock. Small world indeed.

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